Sunday, May 15, 2011

My TO DO list!!

Oh it's never ending!!So I think I should atleast start somewhere and somehow!These are the list of things that I plan to do in the next 15days (I am sure I going to cross the deadline)
  1. Get my studying schedule right and put in atleast 6-7hours of serious studying.
  2. Explore NYC to the hilt!I am so excited about my 4day trip to NYC.I will have to admit that after Mumbai,that is the city that I am madly in love with.Any tips on exploring the Big Apple are welcome :)) 
  3. Capture lots of pictures of my trip to the USA!
  4. Shed a few kilos.I am my perfect size right now,but just five kilos off wouldn't hurt!! ;)
  5. Write more.I have somehow become very slow in coming up with my poems,blame internship for that!
  6. And last but not the least,continue with my passion for day dreaming!!How else will I be able to enjoy life!!

Living it!

The roads that I have travelled,
The twists and turns accompanied,
Some seriously late U-turns I have taken,
Just walked clueless at times,

Somehow I landed up somewhere new always,
Through all those ups and downs,
Happy endings and sad equal.

At times so worse,
That the end was near,I thought,
yet with all the blessed ones around me,
I made it.

Stood up for the better,
from failures and heartbreak alike,
That's the beauty of life.

Everyday is a fight,
A battle worth the win,
Each day is a love story,
A tale ever so changing.

A melody, 
of serene and rock tunes mix!
Of a journey,
ever so changing,
Of a life,so amazingly unpredictable!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Black v/s White

So I really have no clue on how to start!So I will just start by a random flow of my thoughts.
We all have certain likes and dislikes for people we meet in our everyday life,at work,in your extended family,some relatives,some friends,some acquaintances.With some,you can just strike the chord so easily and with the others,its really difficult to tolerate them,try what you may!
Ever wondered why,you just like somebody on the first instant and just hate someone on the first look itself?Well by the theory of karma,it is because some of them did good to you and some didn't in your past life and hence you like or dislike them respectively.
But well the logic that only fits into my head is that we all have shades of black,white and grey,it really depends on which one have you seen in that person to like or dislike him.
My course of MBBS is five and a half years long,and that's a really long time and trust me you see all the dark and good shades of a person in 5years(or that is what I believed!)
There are these group of guys in my college with whom I somehow never really got along and I was really dreading the 15days of post that I have to do with two of those guys.But surprisingly it was my 3rd day with them and we ended up enjoying so much.There was really not much work,so we were just talking and talking from 10 am to 1pm!!I really thought that I knew those guys and we have had minor fights and arguments as well,so I never really planned on enjoying with them.I thought it would be 15days of my test of endurance and patience ;)
It just makes me realize that sometimes to know a person well,a long amount of time like 5years can also be less and 5minutes may also be enough.
I think friendships can only prosper where there is no competition,all these 5years we were competing and striving to be the best,but in internship,we don't have to prove ourselves to anyone,its all on how much you want to learn and what you can grasp.
I was glad to be proved wrong today and I could understand why did we never get along because somewhere we all were engaged in the "RAT RACE"
Cheers to this Friday,the 13th as it proved good for me...I saw the white more than the black or grey for the matter of fact!:)))