Saturday, June 27, 2015

Thank you!

Today I want to write about my very special friend. She's special just for being herself! We may not talk for hours together or meet that often but I know for a fact that I can count on her!
She has started this new blog and I am in awe of this girl who has stood up and come out to talk about herself so courageously.
I still vividly remember that one pajama party we had where you just burst out talking about leukoderma and you! You have come such a long way since then, from conquering your fears to living life to the utmost fullest! Your post was nothing less than an inspiration especially at this juncture of my life where I am trying hard to figure out what went wrong from my perfectly chalked out plan of how life would be at this moment!
Thank you Resha, for being you and as Aayushi very correctly said, you may not know it but you are a rockstar!
Thank you for being my friend!(click on this link to read about her journey)

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