Saturday, May 23, 2015

3 years of soul searching!

How should I even start what those 3 years of post graduation were!

Stayed away from home, family, on my own,shared an apartment with a friend, made friends of a lifetime,learnt so much about hierarchy at work! the list is very extensive but they were the 3 most important and fun years of my life! Where I gained new friends, I also lost out on old comrades but I don't regret losing them. They just couldn't keep up with how fast my life was changing, how fast I was evolving! I did my best to preserve those relationships but as they say if it's not meant to be,it never will be! And o be honest it has just done us all so much good!
Firstly I need to talk about the great people I met on my 3 year journey.My colleagues were super helpful and so much full of life! I have not partied and had so much fun ever! It would be like a scene out of ' Grey's Anatomy'- we would have had a really hard and taxing day and would meet up in the evening to chill and soon it just turned into a full house party and next morning we would be back at work again- some harbouring incurable hangovers, some just very sleepy! But in the end what mattered was that once we entered that hospital, we were different people.Our full attention on our work and patients,however we were feeling was suddenly not affecting us physically or mentally.That's when I learnt work ethic and discipline. If its a Monday and you have to report to Surgery at 6 am, then nothing mattered more than being there at 6 am, 6.01am was like screwed!!! But we all had our moments and days, we were late or forgot to run a lab test and covered up for each other.That was team work! Now that I am back home, I really miss my colleagues,my professors, the nursing staff and the whole hospital.
I dealt with some difficult people too but now when I look back I feel like they just taught me on how to be tough and just to never take no for an answer and pursue your dream to the hilt!
My friends, my flat mate were like my backbone! I can't remember even a single day without them! We were our tiny family away from home! A bad day and I would find myself with all of them by my side telling me- Let it go, let's partyyyy!!...Our signature parties, our signature joints! When we said goodbye to each other it was a heart wrenching tale in itself, like saying goodbye to a family member! Those 3 years were beautiful and filled with memories only because of them! But we have promised each other to meet atleast once a year at conferences(minus the spouses, and I am pretty sure that rule won't last long!). Because 3 years with you guys were just too less! Much love to you all!
I learnt responsibility, being independent isn't just all fun and no work. I really yearned for home cooked meals and the luxuries of home.however 3 years away was a soul searching kind of trip for me.
Staying away from home made me much more confident,much more strong headed(which my parents disagree to being. A Virtue) more independent and much much more secure and comfortable in my own skin.the cons were that it made me even more aloof at times.i always needed my space but stayin alone did me more good as I was let alone and in peace,my parents often complain about that too.
All in all...paper and words are too less to sum up my 3 awesome years...My foundation to go out in the world and never lose the burning passion that the Post Graduation years in the field of Ophthalmology have inculcated in me!

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