Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Can't live without you!!

I am holidaying in the land of Uncle Sam and the Big Apple,and as much as I am loving it but I feel something is amiss!It has been a week now that I am away from my routine schedule of- waking up,running late for hospital,driving and speeding,and finishing my breakfast while I reach the hospital.And as soon as I show up with the Doctor's coat and stethoscope around my neck,I am up for grabs!I have no idea how the day just goes in checking patients,prescribing,collecting blood,giving injections,making rounds,attending emergencies etc etc...its one hell of  a day and night!!This is how the past two months have been,doing my Gynaecology post.And so I yearned for a holiday!But as surprising as it sounds,I am missing it!!I miss running out of the house,speeding and reporting late,making those stupid excuses- "Maam, I was caught in traffic,or an accident had occurred which caused the traffic and my best one so far-the car's tyre got punctured (everyone buys that-you know alone girl driving in mumbai,tyres getting punctured on a highway!! ;) it's a big deal!!hahhaha) and when I have my coat and stethoscope on,the way every patient sees me its just a different thing,no one but a medico can understand the thrill of being a Doctor and the excitement and craziness around us!
I miss not being able to look at the watch for hours and hours together,because time simply flies.I miss that cribbing and grumbling about late lucnhes,no time to breathe etc etc.I miss the way we argue with the nurses and staff at times for just making us do their work,overloading us beyond human capabilities.I miss going into the Doctor's room,and when I have just closed my eyes and retiring after a long day,i hear that infamous word-INTERRRNNNNN!! and running out to attend the emergency.Then coming back and grumbling that it was definitely not an emergency.
Well,that is how crazy doctors are I think!!They hate the pressure and the stress,but can't live away from it either.I don't know how to put this in words but I SIMPLY LOVE BEING A DOCTOR!I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT IT,CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT THE GRUELLING AND STRESSFUL LIFE OF A MEDICO!

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